Organisateurs & Partenaires

Université Le Havre Normandie Université Le Havre Normandie
Université Le Havre Normandie (ULHN) was established in 1984 and it now counts over 8200 students. It is committed to supporting personal and professional development of all its students. The ULHN is composed of three Training and Research Units –Teaching and Research Unit of Sciences and Technology, Faculty of International Affairs, Teaching and Research Unit of Arts and Humanities – of a University Institute of Technology, an Engineering School, a Higher Institute of Logistic and different departments.
Fondation SEFACIL Fondation SEFACIL
Sefacil est la 1ère fondation francophone dédiée à la recherche appliquée à la logistique maritime et portuaire internationale. Depuis 10 ans et grâce à ses donateurs, elle propose son expertise à travers ses nombreux travaux de recherche ainsi que son intervention dans de nombreuses conférences internationales.
Lithuanian Maritime Academy Lithuanian Maritime Academy
Lithuanian Maritime Academy (LMA) is a modern leader training maritime professionals for our and international maritime sector and a member of the global maritime and academic community. This constantly improving institution trains highly qualified specialists that meet international standards for the sea and ports in Lithuania and the world. The maritime academy that everyone knows and recognizes is at the same time always changing, offering numerous maritime study programmes, scientific and cultural ideas and projects. Initiative, innovations, openness, maritime culture and traditions – these are the major characteristics of the modern-day activity.
Vytautas Magnus University Vytautas Magnus University
VMU is a comprehensive university devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, research, arts and innovation, and fostering critical thinking, imaginative response as well as the desire and capacity for lifelong learning of our students who will have an impact on the world, locally and globally.
Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies
The Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies was founded in 1999. It unites 12 stevedoring companies operating in Klaipeda port and directly engaged in cargo handling and warehousing as well as passenger services. Klaipeda University, Lithuanian Maritime Academy and Klaipeda Shipping Research Centre are its associate members. While representing interests of the members, the Association participates in decision making on port operation and development, other issues relevant to port companies, closely cooperates with local and state authorities, pays a lot of attention to social, environmental and other public initiatives. The Association is a member of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Lithuanian Business Confederation, and Federation of European Private Port Companies and Terminals FEPORT.
« L’UMR CNRS IDEES est un laboratoire de recherche pluridisciplinaire (et plurisite : Caen, Le Havre et Rouen) en SHS qui joue un rôle majeur dans le paysage scientifique régional (COMUE), national et international. »
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